
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789


In India’s dynamic economy, skilling the vast youth population is crucial. The Holy Cross is committed to equipping rural and tribal youth with essential skills for sustainable livelihoods, empowering them for employment, entrepreneurship, and community enterprise. This fosters economic growth and social stability.

The Challenge

India’s youthful workforce faces a paradoxical challenge: many lack the necessary skills for gainful employment due to an education system that emphasizes theory over practical training. This skill gap is particularly acute in rural and economically disadvantaged areas. Addressing this is crucial for meeting industry demands, ensuring sustainable livelihoods, and mitigating social unrest.

Strategic Approach

The Holy Cross approach to skill development is rooted in innovation, collaboration, and holistic empowerment focused on creating a robust skilling ecosystem that integrates industry partnerships, tailored curriculum, and technological advancements. We ensure that training programs are aligned with market needs, enhancing employability and entrepreneurship opportunities. Courses are meticulously designed to foster holistic development, combining practical skills with soft skills and entrepreneurship training.

Our Initiation

Tailoring and garment-making training

Empowering marginalized communities through comprehensive tailoring and garment-making training to foster economic independence and sustainability.

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